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Testimonial letters from clients, professionals and participants:

(If you want to contact any of these people, it can be arranged)

Dear Dvori, i came to you with severe OCD, to the extent that it affected my day to day life and you brought calmness to my life. I turned to you because I wanted to be treated by the best and not to have to go from one therapist to the other. Indeed my life took a serious turn. At long last I am able to control my thoughts and actions. And most importantly, my husband said that he now got his old wife back, the one he knew from just after our wedding (before I had the problem). Dvori uses unique methods with high professionalism, and she believes in the client while she is humble and warm. The unique tools that you gave me, serve as key for me for much happier life. Thank you Dvori for saving my life!

The original is below:

דבורי היקרה שהכנסת לחיי את הרוגע והשלווה לאחר שהגעתי אליך עם בעיית כפייתיות ברמה קשה מאוד עד שזה השפיע על תפקוד היום יומי. פניתי אליך כי רציתי לטפל אצל משהי הטובה ביותר ולא להמרח ממטפלת אחת לשניה, ואכן חיי השתנו לגמרי. סוף סוף אני מסטגלת לשלוט על מעשי ומחשבותי. והכי חשוב -בעלי אמר לי שחזרנו לתקופה של אחרי החתונה(שאז לא התפתחה לי הבעיה) דבורי שמשתמשת בשיטות מאוד ייחודיות במקצועיות שמורגשת בכל מילה ובנתינת אמון מתוך ענוה ולבביות. הכלים המיוחדים שנתת לי מהווים לי את המפתח בס"ד לחיים מאושרים. תודה דבורי שהצלת לי את חיי,  נ.מ.

How I helped a lady with her OCD in a few months

I work a lot with OCD, among other things:

A lady that recovered from an autoimmune disease through therapy as well as gotten over her driving phobia

DVORI I have never been to a therapist or met anyone like Dvori. I felt like she really understood my issues and to me she felt like the mother I never had. When I first phoned Dvori, I told her that I was suffering from an auto immune condition Rheumatoid Arthritis and that I had a lot of paid in my body and asked her whether she thinks that some of it can be emotional. She told me that it absolutely can be emotional and that she can help me. I don’t normally like taking medication, but I wa

"התעוררתי לחיים ע"י הטיפול אצל דבורי!

למרות הילדות הלא פשוטה, בזכות הדרך שעשיתי עם דבורי - הצלחתי ליישר קווים עם ילדי ובמיוחד עם בתי הגדולה המתבגרת. היום יש לי קשר חם, אוהב וזורם עם כל אחד מילדי, תקיעות שהיתה פעם נעלמה כאילו לא היתה. זה פלא בעיני. את האמת, על התוצאות כל כך טובות אפילו לא חלמתי.


פניתי לדבורי בעקבות הדיכאון. יחד עם מקצועיות יוצאת מן הכלל, גיליתי אכפתיות כנה ויחס חם ואישי. התרשמתי במיוחד, מהשיטה ההוליסטית של דבורי. היא עמדה על כך שיחד עם הטיפול הריגשי אשפר את הרגלי התזונה, אוסיף ויטמינים ופעילות גופנית מהנה יומיומית. למרות שבהתחלה חשבתי שזה בלתי אפשרי, כבר לאחר חודש התוצאות דיברו בעד עצמן - קלילות בגוף, נעלמה הכבדות בנשימה, וגם התחלתי לרדת במשקל. אני יכולה להגיד שלאחר כחצי שנה של הטיפול הרווחתי גם בתחום החברתי והתחלתי לימודים שתמיד חלמתי, כי כל המעגלים בעצם קשורים.


אני מטופלת אצל דבורי כבר שמונה חודשים. בנוסף לטיפול, אני יודעת שאני יכולה לשאול אותה כל דבר שמטריד אותי, בין אם זה חינוך ילדים ובין אם זה תזונה או ויטמינים. העצות של דבורי עובדות! והעיקר - זו הענווה שלה, אם היא לא יודעת, היא פשוט מפנה למי שמתמחה בתחום או אומרת בפשטות - איני יודעת. רחשתי אימון מלא ואני יודעת שאני יכולה לסמוך עליה בעיניים עצומות. היא באמת רוצה את טובתי.


חשוב לי לציין, ששיתפתי את דבורי בדברים עמוקים ורגישים מאוד ומעולם לא נתקלתי בשיפוטיות או בהתנשאות מצידה, רק אין סוף הכלה, הבנה והזדהות. חוויתי ריפואי עמוק בכך שאין צורך לשחק או להתבייש, עם הזמן יכולתי לספר לה את כל מה שכאב לי ולקבל טיפול  מקצועי (!) בפצעים הכי כואבים שלי."


"I became alive through Dvori's treatment!

Even though I never had a simple childhood, thanks to my journey with Dvori I have managed to become a more effective mother to my children, and especially to my adolescent daughter. Today I have a loving, warm and close relationship with each one of my children, and the stuck feeling that I had before has disappeared. This is a wonder in my eyes, and the truth of the matter is that I never dreamed of such good results.


I turned to Dvori because of my depression. Together with unbelievable professionalism, I discoverd true caring and a warm and personal attitude. I was especially impressed by Dvori's holistic approach. She insisted that together with the emotional treatment I should improve my eating habits, add supplements, as well as a form of enjoyable physical activity. Even though in the beginning I thought that that was not doable. After just a month the results were obvious - lightness in my body, the heaviness in my breathing has disappeared, and I also started losing weight. I can just say that after half a year of treatment, I also gained socially and academically as I eventually started studying what I always dreamed of.

I've been Dvori's client for the past 8 months, and over and above the treatment, i know that I can ask her anything that bothers me, such as difficulties in raising my children, nutrition and supplements. Dvori's suggestions work and the main thing is her humility, if she doesn't know, she refers me to another expert in the necessary area. I have complete trust in her blindly and I know that she really wants the best for me.

It is important for me to state that I shared with Dvori very deep and sensitive issues, and I never felt judged, instead I experienced endless containment, support, understanding and identification. I have experienced very deep healing to a point where I don't need to put on a show anymore, and I don't feel ashamed. I could always tell Dvori what hurt me, and receive professional treatment for my most painful issues."

A Skype client from Israel

A testimonial from "Tali Glass" who came to me from Israel for a full weekend of intensive therapy and left as an evolved person

לדבורי היקרה

רציתי לספר לך שהימים שהייתי ביוהנסבורג היו בשבילי חוויה מיוחדת.

לפני שהגעתי הרגשתי אחרי השיחות שאני צריכה את הזמן שלי, את השקט ואת היכולת שלי לעבד את השיחות הנפלאות שלנו ביחד. אבל הילדים שהגיעו מיד אחרי והעבודה שחכתה כל הזמן והבית שתבע את שלו. לא אפשרו לי להכיל את השיחות באופן המיטיבי ביותר.

והסוף שבוע המדהים אפשר לי את זה בצורה הכי מדהימה שאפשר.

זה היה כמו להיות באטמוספירה אחרת. פתאום הרגשתי שאני קיימת, והקושי, הכאב והבלגן הפנימי שמלווים אותי כבר שנים מקבלים את כל הבמה המגיעה להם.

הטיפול הארוך והמרוכז אפשר לי להרפות את השרירים הפנימיים, ולשחרר קצת את מנגנוני הנעילה הפנימיים שלי ולאפשר לטיפול ולהפנוזה לגעת במקומות העמוקים ביותר, אלה שבפגישה רגילה אני לא מספיקה לאפשר לעצמי לשחרר.

זו היתה חוויה, זה היה להגיע אדם אחד ולצאת אדם אחר, חזקה יותר, משוחררת יותר, שמחה יותר, בריאה יותר.

זה היה כמו טיפול עשרת אלפים מקיף לנפש שלי. בצורה הכי מדהימה ומרגשת שיכולה להיות.


זו היתה חוויה אדירה, מאחלת אותה לכל האנשים שאני אוהבת, שיאפשרו לעצמם את ההפסקה הזאת, את הזכות הזאת לתת לנפש ולנשמה שלנו לקבל את מה שהיא כ"כ צריכה ורוצה ומגיע לה. בצורה מרוכזת, עוצמתית, רכה ואוהבת כמו שרק את יכולה לתת.

לפעמים הרגשתי בהיפנוזה שזו לא היית את, שזה היה מלאך שד' שלח לי ישר מהשמים, הרכות שבך עם העוצמה הפנימית, האור שלך עם הידע הבלתי נגמר והטוב שבך והאמון האינסופי שלכל דבר יש סוף טוב בסוף. מאמין ולא מתייאש מכלום.

הקליניקה שלך מדהימה דבורי. הייתי מופתעת מהיקף האביזרים הבלתי נדלים שיש לך בקליניקה. זה היה כמו קסם, כל מה שרציתי, חלמתי או אפילו לא העזתי לחלום שיכול לעזור פשוט הגיע, מפתיע ומרגש כל פעם מחדש. מאיפה דבורי הצלחת לאסוף כ"כ הרבה דברים? יפים, מיוחדים, נדירים?

הריפוי באומנות היה חוויה בפני עצמה, זה אפשר לי אחרי היפנוזה שנגעה בכל המקומות הבוערים בליבי להרגע, לחוות חווית עמוקה כ"כ של ריפוי. היית כ"כ קיימת שם בשבילי, שהרגשתי שזה בפני עצמו מרפא אותי, מגלה את השווי האמיתי שלי, ומאפשר לי לחזור לחיים בריאים יותר וטובים יותר.

זו היתה חוויה משולבת – השיחות, ההיפנוזה, האומנות, השקט, הביחד. זה היה שווה יותר מכפול ממה שזה היה בפועל.

זה ימים שאני לעולם לא אשכח. לנצח תהיה להם בליבי פינה מיוחדת, אבן הפינה בתהליך הריפוי הפנימי שלי.


אוהבת ומתגעגעת מאוד.


Dear Dvori,


I wanted to tell you that the days that I spent with you in Johannesburg was a special experience for me. Before I arrived I felt that after each of our skype sessions, I needed time and peace and quiet to process things, however between the children that came home from school and the work that was waiting for me I was unable to optimally process our discussions. But the weekend I had with you facilitated this in the most amazing manner. It was like being on a different planet. I suddenly felt like I existed and the difficulty, pain and internal chaos that were accompanying me for many years were able to receive the attention that they deserved. 

The long and intense treatment allowed me to relax my internal muscles, to release my defenses, and to allow the treatment and the hypnosis to touch the deepest of places, which I would not have allowed myself to release during individual sessions. 

This was an awesome experience which I wish upon all the people I love, that they should be able to have the merit to allow their spirit to receive what it so badly needs through a concentrated, powerful, soft and loving manner which only you Dvori can facilitate.

Sometimes during the hypnosis sessions I felt that it wasn't you Dvori, but rather that it was an angel that G-d has sent my way. Your softness with your internal power, your  light with your endless knowledge, your goodness and complete belief that in the end everything will be good facilitated my growth.

Your clinical setting is absolutely amazing, Dvori. I was blown away by the variety and amount of therapeutic tools that you have in your rooms. It was like magic, anything I wanted, dreamed of, or didn't even dream of that could help me, suddenly arrived. These were moving experiences for me, time and time again. 

How did you manage Dvori, to collect so many beautiful, special and rare items. Your art therapy was an experience in it's own right. After each hypnosis session which touched "burning' places in my heart, the art therapy facilitated self-regulation and calmness, which assisted me in experiencing very deep healing. You were completely and utterly their for me, which made me feel that this in itself was healing me, and allowing me to feel my internal value, as well as facilitated me to come back to a healthier and better life.


This was a combined experience. Our conversations, the hypnosis, the art therapy, the togetherness, had major value. These were days that I will never forget, and will always have a special place in my heart. It will be my "cornerstone" in this internal healing process of mine.  

Tali Glass

Dearest Dvori


It's been 6 months since I last saw you and I miss you very much.


When I realised I didn't have money to come to you any more, I was sad and nervous but I davened and I decided that you have taught me so much that if I do all the homework you gave me, I would achieve many goals any way.


One day I was reading the JJCF and I saw your ad, I was so tired of therapists and doctors but Hashem guided me to call you. When I met you, a light switched on in my neshama. I know that Hashem has appointed you to empower and to heal troubled people and I pray that He will continue to bless your work always.


In this time since I last consulted you, I feel like I now appreciate your work and your method on a deeper level. I am learning to love myself and to be a strong person. I have stopped drinking alcohol and I always enjoy looking at the list you gave me to learn how to do good, healthy and loving things for myself.


I remember the first time I met you and how you gave me a hug and I felt a feeling of such love, comfort and peace, although I didn't know you then. I had a strong sense that although I was meeting you for the first time that I had known you forever, for many lifetimes. Even today, I admire you so much that when i think of you I want to be a better person.


I feel like you didn't have an easy life growing up but you took the tough circumstances and used it to inspire yourself to help others who were sad, lonely and in pain. It is a great person who can take negativity and turn it into gold and then reach out to assist others.


Sometimes when I feel afraid, I think of you and it gives me strength. I'm not very close to my mother and sister but I always think of you as my family because you saved my life by being a channel for Hashem's goodness and chesed in my life.

I am so grateful to you because you helped me to see the power and the talents within me. Now I am volunteering with … to empower other victims and survivors of abuse and I am so grateful to G-d and to you for helping me to reach this place.


Thank you my dear dear friend because that's is what you are, you are so much more than a therapist. You have such a deep love for people and have a rare talent (chein) and I am so proud to know you. 


I don't know if it is ethically correct but  I would love to come and have coffee with you soon just to catch up.

Thank you

A 30 years old client with multiple traumas

“My son is a 15 year old who has been dealing with anxiety, depression and many social issues. He has been diagnosed with left temporal lobe epilepsy and medicated for tics and mood swings. He has been attending therapy with Dvori for an extended period of time and has made remarkable strides in his emotional development. She has assisted him in being able to identify his emotions as well as taught him how to express these emotions appropriately. She is the only therapist that he has been able to identify with and due to this has benefited from his sessions with her. She has only ever been honest and straightforward with him, never hiding the truth. She has also explored alternative methods to therapy, such as hypnotherapy. My son will regularly comment on how Dvori has helped him to get to where he is and he expresses how much respect he has for her. I often see him using her methods when he feels out of control. She has been his life line and no amount of thanks would ever be enough for what she has done for him”. Myrna

A mother of a 15 year old son

“From spending so much money on psychologists and therapists that did not give me the support i needed,i finally found the most brilliant one.I had been suffering from extremely bad anxiety and depression for so many years and nearly gave up hope of getting better.Dvori changed my life in the most amazing way with her outstanding techniques of therapy,she is beyond outstanding.i recommend Dvori Blumenau to all those struggling and feeling a bit lost as she not only helps you find the way but gets you to where you need to be.I feel so lucky having the chance to see Dvori as she has inspired, motivated,encouraged and has given me my strength back.A truly wonderful person and psychologist”. Lisa

From a 24 year old client

“Since bringing my two youngest daughters to Dvori, there has been a marked improvement in their self confidence and ability to express their feelings, in a short time.  Their school teachers have remarked on the improvement.  The oldest of the two who has always been extremely shy, was able to stand in front of strangers and give a presentation.

She does with them the most beautiful art as therapy. They enjoy the sessions and are proud to bring their art home. The activities are focused on bringing to them self-awareness and strengthening their self-esteem. Dvori also teaches them useful social skills. Dvori also does parental guidance with parents, which my husband and I learnt a lot from and are now implementing the useful skills she taught us with our family.

I highly recommend her as a therapist”. Margie

A letter from a mother of two girls aged 9 and 11, the girls suffered from depression and very low self-esteem:

“Dvori is an inspiration to me and she is very dedicated to her clients. dvori helped me come a long way from being very angry and often aggressive to being a lot calmer, to a point that many have noticed the changes in me. I am extremely grateful to dvori” Michelle

A lady over 60 years of age

“I am a father who had 4 of my kids in therapy with Dvori and had 3 of them assessed by her. I found her assessments to be spot on, both the emotional and the scholastic ones. She really figured out what was wrong with my kids and gave us and the school constructive advice. Particularly with my oldest, I have seen a huge shift. When he came to Dvori, he was very depressed, with very low self-esteem, this changed dramatically within 3-4 months.  Dvori is skilful, sensitive and caring, I highly recommend her as a therapist”. Simon

A single father, who’s children suffered with huge anger problems:

"I remember trying to breastfeed my baby. The tears would just stream down my cheeks as I ran my fingers threw my baby’s beautiful golden hair. I felt totally overwhelmed and I was in immense pain from the caesarean.  I did not laugh and I remember thinking how people could be smiling, what was there to smile about? I had this terrible ‘electric current’ feeling running through my arms, and at times I could not hold my baby. I was terrified that this feeling would last forever, and that this confident, beautiful, aspiring lawyer would never be the same again.I could not get over the horrific treatment I received from the doctor and nurses. I had nightmares about my birth and I would wake up crying. I went to see a professional who diagnosed me with post- traumatic stress. We learnt breathing and relaxation techniques together, which really helped me fall asleep. However, it did not solve the problem. I went to see another professional, who confirmed that I had post natal depression and anxiety. We tried to go through the traumatic experience again as well as evaluate the relationships I had in my life. We dealt with the most sensitive issues, it felt like pouring detol over a burnt wound. I would cry and cry the whole day and I just couldn’t stop. It was just all too much. I also went to see a doctor who put me on some medication."

With G-d’s help I attended a lecture by Devori and was intrigued by the form of therapy she offered. I decided to go seek her help. Devori’s therapy, as well as her calm and understanding nature, was the most liberating, enlightening, strengthening and positive experience. Together we built my inner strength before dealing with the trauma. With a mere 11 sessions, I was able to get my life and soul back. By the end, I felt like I had the most pleasant and beautiful birth. Devori helped me tap into my subconscious, to ‘rewire’ the way my brain was dealing with the trauma.  We discovered that there are many parts of me and my strength, and at the time when I thought I lost all control during the birth, my different strengths were actually there for me all the way.


I feel like a brick has been lifted off my burning heart. Post natal depression is like running a marathon with a walking stick. It is the most debilitating feeling, especially when you are needed most by a helpless little baby.  My mind is at peace with what has happened. I have grown so much and I have regained my zest for life. I threw myself completely into Devori’s therapy, I was so desperate to be myself again.

Devori, I cannot thank you enough for helping me heal and discover my spiritual journey in this world. I know now that G-d wanted me to experience this tremendous suffering, so that I could be there to help other mothers who are suffering too. Thank you

A young mother who suffered from post-natal depression, 28 years old

Dvori is a very professional, caring person, motivated by a genuine desire to help people become whole. Her method is goal directed and works amazingly because it engages the right brain and releases frozen emotions. She has a good understanding of asperges syndrome and helped me to see that I am not stupid because my brain works differently to the most people. I came to her in order for Dvori to help me with my aggressive and impulsive part and she really did! I am a different person now, much more calm and at peace with myself. My inner child was struggling with early, unhelpful messages which Dvori had managed to reverse in hypnosis. I highly recommend her, especially if you are tired of “talk therapy”. Ann

A women over 50 years

A mother of a 15 year old Asperger’s teen, male

Before my child came to see Dvori, he was warned by the school for expulsion. He was verbally bullied quite badly and as a result he got into many Verbal fights.  He suffered from very low self- esteem, he used to bite his nails, lose his temper a lot, and experienced high anxiety and depression. He struggled with reading social ques and facial expressions. Dvori with her warmth and patience worked with him, through dedication, and met him at his level and needs. She helped him build his inner-strength and taught him techniques as to how to deal with stressful social situations. She did with him her course of “peer counselling” in which she taught him to recognise peoples’ feelings and social ques and how to respond correctly to people who talk about their feelings. The positive changes in my child are significant.  He is now a lot more confident and calm, he stopped biting his nails and he gets on better with his peers. According to the teachers, from a child that was nearly expeld from school, to the child he is now, he is like a different person.

Thanks to you Dvori

A mother of a 15 year old Asperger’s teen, male

There are not enough words to describe the amount of gratitude I have for Dvori – she has helped me in such a tremendous way. I had struggled with depression and anxiety in my childhood, and had been in various types of therapy before – but not until I worked with Dvori did I actually feel a difference. The sessions were immensely enjoyable as well as enlightening – all the creative and thought-provoking activities done in the sessions allowed me to tap into my creative abilities which not only made me feel like an active participant in my healing, but they were so much better than merely talking about my past (as in regular therapy sessions I had with other therapists). Dvori created a safe, nurturing environment through her genuine support and compassion.  She truly boosted my self-esteem with constant words of encouragement, which enabled me bounce back quicker from depressive episodes. Her holistic, integrated approach to building inner strength helped me to overcome the emotional blocks of my traumatic past and helped me to gain clarity on my future goals. I feel more confident in myself, positive and committed to continuing with my healing. It has been an honour to work with a woman of such integrity, empathy, dedication and positivity – whomever has the privilege of working with Dvori is truly lucky!!! Kerry

A 24 year old woman who suffered from depression and anxiety

Therapy with Dvori is the best, she helps you out, there isn’t anyone like her and she has such a kind heart and she helps you have fun and be happy and helps you with your feelings. She taught me how to overcome my anger and help me with my relationships with my parents. If you ever want or need a psychologist you should come to Dvori she’s the absolute best. She’s helped me out to socialise with people and to make new friends and to get to know myself better and to actually find myself. She helped me to strengthen my self-esteem and self-confidence and there’s absolutely nobody like her. So if you feeling depressed or angry or have problems come to Dvori and she will help you.


A 14 year old girl with Asperger’s syndrome

Dvori used art and hypnosis as forms of therapy to guide me through a healing process.  I went to her for 18 sessions. She gave me a deeper understanding of my internal mental and emotional world enabling me to pinpoint the source of a negative thought or feeling and then to put it into perspective with all the other parts of my personality.

She also taught me the skill of self hypnosis which has empowered and strengthened me in being able to relax and counsel myself in times of need.

I value Dvori's total compassion, care,  sensitivity and understanding. She is dedicated and committed to guiding each of her clients along their journey in life.

I strongly recommend Dvori as a therapist Lee

A 26 year old woman who suffered from a lot of self-doubt

“I am 22 years old and was looking for someone who could help me with my
self-awareness and emotional health. I was very grateful to find Devori who
helped me so much in such a short period of time and in such a professional
and friendly way.  She conducted carefully chosen emotional tests and treatments that assisted me in formulating a plan to stand up for myself, gain my own confidence and independence and feel liberated as an individual.  She alsoassisted me in aligning my perception of myself with the reality of who I
really am in a very positive way.  By way of the exercises she gave me, I
became conscious as to how many positive qualities and how few shortcomings
I have!

It was an amazing experience for me, when she put me under hypnosis and communicated with my “ego-states”, my sub-personalities. She communicated with my “inner-child” who is my insecure part, she communicated with my “critical voice” part, she communicated with my wise part, who really knows my true value and with my “inner-strength”, my part that pushes me forward and doesn’t let me give up. This brought a big amount of self-awareness to myself and assisted my growth .Receiving therapy from Devori was a turning point in my life that has brought me to new heights in positive thinking and self-growth”. Josh

A young male client who suffered from depression and very low self-concept

Mrs Blumenau's expertise is clearly seen through the different types of therapies she offers in an inviting warm, and effective way. I felt liberated and empowered to overcome those obstacles blocking me from reaching my potential.


A 22 year old client

“I have a 17 year old daughter, who was going through many challenges. She has been through a lot of trauma in her life.  We also recently changed our culture, community and lifestyle, which placed extra stress on her life. Dvori helped her cope with the pure pressure of the daily expectations of school, home and with her peers. She gave her tremendous support and also did some interventions on a family level, which were very useful. My daughter enjoyed going for therapy with Dvori. Dvori’s wise advice really helped us change our high expectations of my daughter and helped put the boundaries in the right place.

Dvori treated her with devotion, full acceptance and love. Dvori helped us identify where the trouble areas were, through the emotional assessments she administered, and she gave us the tools to cope with them, and to change the situation to the positive meaning”.  Andy

Mother of a teenager who had an “oppositional defiance disorder”

I am a mature, married mother and was experiencing low self-esteem which impacted negatively on my work and personal life.

Due to this lack of self-confidence I was also battling with weight issues.

I came to see Dvori and immediately connected with her due to her sympathetic yet very professional manner in which she conducts herself and immediately I felt myself “opening up” to her, something which I find difficult to do.

We were both amazed that after only 13 sessions I had overcome many issues that I was experiencing difficulties with prior to therapy.

She used hypnosis during some of the sessions using Ego States Therapy as well.

Some of the sessions, I felt the need to “offload” and this too was very beneficial.

Dvori also noticed that I had “some stuck energy” which debilitated me in term of movement. She figured out that it stemmed from the tragic loss of my father. In order to deal with this, she put me under hypnosis and she gave me the corrective experience to this trauma of my life. After that, my energy was a lot more free. I would not hesitate to recommend Dvori to anyone, young or old. Diana

A women who struggled with depression, grief and communication issues

"I entered the cocoon of your room

A moth - 

Grey wings searching for the light.

And so began a journey

Unlike any I've ever travelled

Along meandering pathways of

Colour! Play! Creativity! Challenge!

Using every facet of my senses

Smoothing the rough edges of my neshoma

As I mold the clay

To hopefully emerge as a 


A 42 year old woman with depression as a result of severe abuse (still in the process of treatment)

Dvori is an exceptional psychologist! Above all, she is entirely professional and an exceptional human being who does her work with utter selflessness and love.

I turned to her in utter desperation. My son was found taking drugs and was at high risk of getting involved with the law. He used to have uncontrollable tantrums and he suffered from depression, anxiety, nightmares and getting involved with the wrong guys. Naturally, our relationship took a knock.

She dealt with my son with utter devotion and was available at all times of the day and night. Her method of therapy is highly skilled and intelligent avant garde!

After a short time of therapy, my son’s tantrums diminished alongside with the depression. The anxieties have also gone down and the nightmares disappeared. Dvori worked hard on building my son’s inner strength and help him believe in himself. The relationship between my son and I, has improved a lot. Dvori has guided my son and I through our hardships with utter devotion.

I must point out that Dvori is not a money grabber, she does her work with utmost sincerity and pure love of humanity.

As an educationalist (I listened to a few of her talks) she is outstanding!

Thank you Dvori.  Ros

A mother of a 17 year old boy, who suffered from depression, anger and conduct disorder

“We all have a spiritual, physical and emotional dimension that is intricately complex and unique.  Devori spends many hours delving in depth into the many faculties pertaining to her client, achieving a solid foundation on which to help her client, as well as allowing the person to feel heard, understood and cared for.

My child, who is a 17 year old girl, suffering from glandular fever, learned and changed in numerous areas in a relatively short period of time. I believe this is due to Devori's multi-faceted holistic approach.

Amongst other things, my child learnt to take responsibility for her life and to prioritise and stand up for herself. She now goes to bed earlier, eats more nourishing food and allows herself time just to be.

Devori's passion and devotion goes unchallenged.

We feel blessed to have been guided to such a talented and caring lady”. Susan

A mother of a teenager with glandular fever

“Mrs Blumenau began to see my daughter last year. My daughter was very anxious about everything. Mrs Blumenau used a combination of art therapy and various other techniques to help her to relax. My daughter loves going to her sessions and she is able to describe events that are going on in her life, which she doesn’t understand or doesn’t know how to deal with, and which she used to keep bottled up inside her. Mrs Blumenau is working on my daughter’s self-esteem and when I heard her say, recently, ‘I love me’, I knew we had made significant strides.

I am a single parent and I realised that this has a major effect on my daughter who is the eldest. I decided that it would speed up my daughter’s progress if I began sessions with Mrs Blumenau as well as my daughter. In my sessions, I am learning to understand my daughter and to approach her in the most positive and nurturing way. The thing that has surprised me the most is how much I have learned about myself and I am excited to go to therapy in order to discover ways in which I relate to people, based on my past, and to work on better ways to deal with any situation going forward”. lisa

A single mother of a 12 year old girl with depression, anxiety and low self- esteem:

“My child was having a difficult time staying at school. The more I kept trying to settle him and separate from him, the more anxious my child became. It was so hard for me and I didn’t know what else to try. We met with Dvori and we felt encouraged and uplifted by Dvori’s positive energy, insightfulness and her focus being aimed at finding a solution.

Dvori worked with my child, with the school and with my husband and I. Dvori’s advice and recommendations have helped so much to build up our child.

Thank G-d, our child now loves school, goes happily and our child’s confidence has increased considerably.

We really appreciate all that Dvori has done for us, and we would definitely recommend Dvori”. Sarah

A mother of a five year old boy with high separation anxiety

“I am 18 years old and I am in matric. I suffer from a chronic virus and high anxiety levels.  I went to Dvori for 10 sessions for hypnotherapy (she doesn’t do the hypnosis through which one loses control). It was a special experience for me. Through the hypnosis, she taught me how to relax, how to accept and nurture myself, how to stop the critical voice and how to allow myself to take time out. I felt she genuinely cared for me. She rejoiced with me, with each accomplishment, she made me feel looked-after and properly understood. I enjoyed our sessions and I felt like I gained a lot of self-awareness and emotional growth”. Paula

A young adult with high anxiety levels

Dear Dvori  Blumenau, I want to thank you for coming to Durban and for giving such an excellent lecture in my home to the ladies in Durban.

Your lecture titled; “ Self-awareness as a tool for self-evolvement, and to assist us to lead a more meaningful and functional life”, was excellent and very interesting and every single lady that attended the lecture kept saying how much they had learnt from you and that your lecture will help them in their lives!! Everyone felt that everything that you had taught them helped them to understand themselves and others better, and helped them to grow.

Your knowledge is incredible, and you present everything is such an interesting and sometimes humorous way which everyone enjoyed. We all learned a lot from you. Thank you!

I was asked by everyone who attended the shiur to please have you back for lectures in my home. And I look forward to having you here again.  

Kind regards, Cheryl Unterslak   

Feedback from a lecture I gave in Durban

Dear Dvori,

The first and second times I heard you speak at Ohr Somayach Cape Town I was blown away. I walked away with so many insightful concepts and new outlooks to incorporate into my own life and the way I brought up my kids.

It was a true Honor to have you speak in our sukkah at home and the many woman who came to listen to you left so inspired by your words of wisdom. I look forward to hosting you again to speak in our home !!

Each time we speak I always feel so revitalized , you are a true breath of fresh air!

I wanted to thank you again for speaking to the kids at Ohr Somayach about " Emotional self protection" , I know it has helped my kids as well as many of the other kids that participated, tremendously. They loved the way you spoke at their level and the use of your puppets was brilliant. The amount of sharing of the kids blew me away. I as a parent walked away looking at my kids and how to deal with their emotions and self protection completely differently, thank you!

Look forward to seeing you again soon in Cape Town .

Sending lots of love

Belinda Lazarus

Feedback I got from one of my listeners from the synagogue of Ohr Somayach in Cape Town. I delivered about 10 lectures there over the years. And another 3 lectures for children as can be seen bellow

Dvori Blumenaus has beautifully crafted and delivered a captivating, elevating, and overly uplifting series of lectures in our community. We are grateful for her invaluable input and the insights she had shared. The topics were remarkably pinpointed to our target crowd and left us all wanting for more. For a few days after the opening lecture I, Tirtza, the head of the community,  kept getting phone calls from the participants, telling me how much they thoroughly enjoyed Dvori’s opening lecture and that they have never heard a lecture on this clabber! They were so inspired!
Sending out greatest of thanks and wishes,
Tirtza Benchlouch, Cape Town

Head of the Sefaradi community.

Feedback from lectures I delivered at the Sefaradi community in Cape Town

“Dear Dvori,
Thank you for taking your precious Sunday to give of your time and knowledge to share with my single moms group.
The members were enthralled and came away with enthusiasm and positivity.
You indeed made a great impact on the ladies…it really had an impact on each member. We look forward to hearing you again so please indicate if you would be willing to do so and if so when.
Warm regards Zoe”  Zoe Paula Cohen

Feedback from lecture titled “Helping children deal with their feelings” given at the Chevrah Kadisha

“Dvori came to speak to the ladies in our shul, her warmth and expertise totaly captivated her audience, they even asked for a follow-up”.  Rebitzen Leah Uzvalk

Feedback from lecture titled “self awareness as a tool for self evolvement, followed by an optional hypnosis session for inner strength building”. Give to the ladies of the Victory Park synagogue.

“Dvori Blumenau’s presentation on ego-state therapy kept members of our support group spellbound. By using props like a life-size cardboard man, play dough and a hands-on demonstration with a willing volunteer, she enabled the attendees to internalise a very powerful technique that they could subsequently use to tackle their own problems. Dvori is articulate, passionate, warm and extremely empathic. I would highly recommend her as both a speaker and psychotherapist”.

Feedback from lecture titled “Achieving impulse control, through conscious and sub-conscious (=hypnosis) ego-state (sub-personalities) work” given to the Joburg Bipolar Support Group

“Thank you so much for your fascinating presentation to our group last night. Your time, wealth of information and the knowledge you imparted was so much appreciated.  I'm a founder of a group of about just over 5 000 (and subset of over 550) online Bipolar members whom I believe would greatly benefit from your methodolgy and approach to life's challenges.” Marion Pipkin

Marion Pipkin

“Thank you so much for the workshop you gave our teachers. You reminded us how important it is to always acknowledge a child's feelings and to show empathy before we can intervene to teach or console. 

By role playing, this lesson was deeply ingrained in us. The teachers enjoyed the course and learned a lot from it Dvori.

Kind regards

Cheryl Ziegler”

Principal, Hirsch Lyons Nursery School

Feedback from workshop for teachers titled: “Helping learners deal with their feelings” given at Hirsch Lyons nursery and primary schools

“My name is Sheva Messias, I used to be the principal of “Yidish Folk”.

I asked Dvori to give a workshop to my teachers about how they could use art in a therapeutic way with the children. Dvori gave us the most interesting, informative, practical and hands-on workshop. Everything was demonstrated in a three dimensional fashion. The process was explained clearly.  Dvori is a passionate and enthusiastic speaker. It takes a lot to impress my staff and they were very impressed and learned so much from her. They asked for her to come back and give another lecture. I have asked Devori to come and do a workshop for my King David teachers too”.

Sheva Messias - Principal, King David Nursery School

Principal, King David Nursery School

Feedback from workshop for teachers titled “Using art as a therapeutic tool at schools” given to teachers at Yidish Folk Nursery School

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